That’s why we offer smart savings solutions with competitive rates, FDIC protection, and the flexibility to access your money any time.
A BankRI Business Banker will be happy to discuss savings solutions to increase your earning power.
¹To calculate the average daily balance we add the principal amount in the account for each day of the statement period and divide by the number of days in the statement period.
Visitors to this website may utilize a third party web based language translation service. Bank Rhode Island provides no warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability, or correctness of web based language translations. Where there are any discrepancies in translation, the English version is binding. All of the Bank’s consumer disclosures are provided in English.
We’re excited to share that Brookline Bancorp, Inc. and Berkshire Hills Bancorp, Inc. have announced definitive plans to merge to create a powerful regional banking franchise serving the Northeast. Learn More Here.